Shit. I’m just not a gun guy. Notwhatsoever. I’ve never really killed anything. Well, bugs and shit, but not like killed shit for killing’s sake. Yes, yes, yes…I eat meat. Big deal. Meat is murder I know. I KNOW. Look, I use oil and gasoline too…trust me, I’m no good.
The other day, I had to use this dude’s dump truck to do a bunch of work. Nothing special, really we do this type of shit all the time. I do work for him, he does work for me, it’s a nice relationship.
So, I had his truck and I’m down near Maryland with one of his ‘helpers’. We were working all day, poured some concrete, you know…living the dream. At one point I go over to the truck to get something out of the cab, and low and behold…THERE’S A FUCKING GUN BEHIND THE SEAT!!!! Holy Shit! A gun? Dude What The Fuck? Or DWTF?
I was shocked and scared. What the? I was maybe going to grab a few beers later on…what if this kid with me has some weed in his pocket? What if we get fucking pulled over and I’m FUCKING PACKING HEAT?
Then, I found FUCKING BULLETS!!!!!
Look, I may sound like a big pussy and I don’t care. Guns scare me. I don’t like being scared. It makes me feel like a wimp, and you KNOW how I feel about wimps.
Oh come on it was barely more than a BB gun, Wimp