Been Damn Busy. T-ball coaching is going great. So far the Penn Manor Royals are undefeated, and I couldn't be happier with my boys and their progress. They are a fierce gang of ball players who will stop at nothing for victory....but really we don't keep score, and I try to keep them from picking their noses and get them to remember that there is a game going on, and playing in the dirt does not merit sportsmanship.
The 'farm' has some major fucking photosynthesis going on! -And by this point in the season, my work schedule is 'off the chain'.
But...I have yet bigger fish to fry.
I've been working in Wilmington Delaware for the last week. It's about an hour drive to center city, maybe more some mornings with traffic. Part of the drive cuts through some of our most beautiful farm land. I jam the gears of a diesel steed at daybreak across the blooming acres. The sun comes up mighty early these days, and though it blinds me at times, I love that thing. She points her rays westward as I ram south in the morning and I again greet the beauty of the sun at day's end when we meet alone across the country roads on my northern trek.
The sun's early rays showed me a miracle one morning. A windy section of road slowed my travel, and I laid my eyes on wondrous livestock. A fenced in miniature stallion gazed in my direction and I noticed something about this little furry dude that was anything but mini. This little stallion had a long dirty dong hanging down to the meadow's edge...that had to measure twenty eight inches in length. He looked at me in the eyes and grinned knowingly. My god. I quickly controlled my gaze and abruptly steered my truck back into my designated lane and back to safety.
What the hell did I just see? Was that really a big ole dirty penis hanging off that little horse, nearly the same length of a grown man's arm? And why did this little horse decide to show his power to me? I drove with great wonder, and tried to keep my concentration during the working day's hours. On the way home, I could not get to the pasture fast enough. The curiosity was killing me. Once at the turn near "Nessie", (I had given the little horse a name...surely now I had the same feelings of discoverers of the Lockness monster, Moby Dick, Big foot and Aliens...no one will believe me and I will be called the fool with no evidence for my accusation and surely I will now devote my life to Nessie and his greatness) I brought the truck to a stop and approached the fence with camera in hand...slowly. His trust must be mine.
Sadly, Nessie was gone. There was no dong for me to document. I crawled back into the truck and headed home confused.
Everyday for the rest of the week I looked, but Nessie no longer trusted me. Co-workers called me crazy and now I am a fool for believing in the first place. Or am I ? My quest will continue and someday I will present evidence for what I saw and the world will see this miracle.
come on dude, you have better things to worry about and work on. Don't add this to your list of passions. We don't care about this little stallion's member.
ReplyDeleteYou know you really should think about working for Reed FULL TIME.