I listened to the louder songs on my way home.
The traffic moved in time to the music and I had missed the setting sun by three hours on my way home from work. For some reason the sunset was something that I really wanted to see today.
I get stoked staring at the sun on the way home after crawling on concrete slabs all day in the dark. Mushy...
The grinding cartilage had crushed my afternoon ambitions for this evening. I'm stinky and grumpy and hungry. I'm pissed and sore...broke...trust me, we don't want to hang out. These songs are reading my mind. They've got me thinking about how my inspirations and destructive motives are on the same page; laid out like some sort of fucked up spread sheet...but there's not really a good formula that makes it work out right...or look right...or balance. Fuck that. I suck at math and decide to through the scratchings out the window.
You just gotta love listening to mood music so loud in the earphones that it makes your ear drums itch and burn. Don't you? I would have listened louder if it was possible.
I was sore as hell and this traffic and depressing music and missing sunset really really had me wishing for a flask of whiskey between my legs instead of a set of sore testicles.
The drive home took forty eight hours and eventually my mood moved to manic. Ahhh.
Two days later now and it is Thanksgiving Day. I'm very thankful...Ah! Dog just licked my armpit. Sweet. The Arment's are waking and stirring and getting ready to drive around the state to relatives.
I just got back from my semi-annual trip to K-mart. It's open alright. And full of anxious consumers. They're all miserable...except for me and the drunk lady. She was really loud with her descriptions to her kids about the items in different isles, and kept crashing her cart. She smelled like Gin and I bet by turkey time, she's gonna be passed out in her chair, feet in the air snoring like a bear. I bet.
I just had to run in to buy a clean pair of pants. Sadly, every article of clothing that I have ever owned (or will own) falls to quick death in the trenches of concrete work. This morning I tried to find a clean pair of something, but came up empty handed. Quickly I took the PT Cruiser to K-mart with 'Licensed to Ill' blaring to pick up two pairs of Basic Edition wrinkle resistant double pleats. I've given up on Dickies. The Basic Edition wrinkle resistant double pleats are a more comfortable (though slightly less durable) pant that is both affordable and very stylish. And for $10.99, you can't beat it! -Unless Salvation Army is open (it was not) and if your politics on China made clothing keeps you from wearing such garbage (not today).
Very Thankful, Loving America...Have a good one, people.
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