Yeah Yeah! Just got back from Leon's...hooked up!
First of all, this "under armour" is a bunch of crap. The name brand stuff is just a rip off of product that other suppliers have been making for years. 'Compression' under wear is the proper name for it. It's like that biker short stuff. It makes even a tug boat like myself look all lean and slender. "Under Armour" is like McDonalds. If you want a burger and fries, yeah they have it, but you have to eat all that corporate America bull shit with it too.
Anyhow. Leon gave me some compression underwear, that, he said I "absolutely did not need". I tried them on, and that was it! I looked like an athlete! All slick and slender lookin'...jeez! You should see it!
He gave me 'Darn Tough' socks to match. He has admitted to becoming a sock snob, and mostly due to this brand of sock. They are made in America by a family run company for generations.
I wasn't expecting anything but maybe some more advice...but today he texted me and told me to come over for some out fitting. That sure as hell beat my plan of rummaging through K-mart later this evening, looking for some bullshit hiking gear and dealing with the...ok, I'm not going to go on about the type of people that hang out at K-mart and work there. That's not right...besides, technically, I am one of those people.
...But anyhow, Leon also had friggin' shoes for me! They are already broken in, and are extremely similar to the New Balances that I've been wearing all summer. They are a little bit heavier, but have some more ankle support...and they are dripping with fashion sense.
I'm telling you that if Lewis, Clark and Sagagewea had the gear I have...they probably could have discovered the moon.
Hmmm....I'm forgetting something....the back sack.
I was just gonna get one of those 'camel back's' or whatever you call it. It's just a back sack that only carries water. ...Dude. This back sack that he gave me has all the bells and whistles. Hydration system, clamps, straps...I can't stop looking at it. There's enough room in this thing for many sandwiches, extra water (the hydration system holds two liters itself), iphone, flannel shirt, carton of smokes, extra shoes...all that and more...and then there is a little string that you tug on, and it like...squeezes the whole thing together. It's boss.
I'm going to try and find some more bananas tomorrow. Friggin' Turkey Hill was out this morning, so I just drank a shit load of coffee...and OH SHIT! They have the fricking 'tasty claires' I've been 'housing' a few of them here and there between my hikers training diet.
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