What the fuck? My thumb looks weird in this picture...kinda looks like a big ole chicken leg. Well, I guess they say that farming will do odd things to a person's appendages after working the soil for hours on end.
Truthfully, I was getting a little worried about the whole 'farming' (Alana insists that we have a large garden, and no such 'farm', but that phrasing sort of steals my thunder) thing for a while there...I didn't hear from my cohorts- Farmer Jeff and Farmer Jay, for a while, and I was quite convinced that I didn't have 'farming buddies'...I had made a pact with a couple of assholes who really just wanted to burn my ramp. In the back of my mind, I called them names and cursed their trust. BUT, it's all good in the field!
My god, I'm so fucking hungry for lettuce right now I can hardly stand it. It's like that picture is taunting me. Look at that shit! Fucking home grown lettuce! I know it's breakfast time (I ain't no farmer yet, but crusty concrete workers get up early too!)...it's only six fifteen and I haven't finished my first pot of coffee yet, but I'm half tempted to run out there right now and just eat some lettuce, with a spoon full of dirt. Damn, that shit looks good!
Alana and Oliver have been getting into this action full steam as well. They are planting numerous seeds for peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, some stuff I can't spell and a variety of gourds that we can eat...or make crafts and instruments out of. Yeah! plantin' some special gourds that you can shape and make a banjo out of...yup. Some of the gourds are called 'snake' gourds (Arments genetically hate snakes more than most things on the planet...'cept for my brother...that dude ain't afraid of nuthin....'cept spiders) and you can dry them and make flutes out of them. I swear I'm gonna start a band using only instruments that we grew. No, no, no. It's not gonna be like a hippie thing at all...I hate that shit. Our band will play crazy punk songs with a little bit of rap, and we smash our instruments and eat them.
Can I be in the band? I'll play the Lettuce Cymbals and the potato pipe.
ReplyDeleteI think all this band needs is a uniform and I am going to go ahead and suggest growing some watermelon helmets just like in the old days.
ReplyDeleteBut why stop there? You could have full costumes grown from vegetation and put on crazy stage shows. I would name this band GWORD! See it works 3 ways. 1) Steals gwars thunder. 2)Play on words since it sounds like gourd and 3) Pays homage to your rap lineage with both "G" and "Word". I am the manager sign this napkin.
-JOn B