I think I landed an invitation to the social event of the year. The ham radio convention takes place once a year in Timonium Maryland. My friend Jay and some of his tech nerd buddies go, and last night I think he sort of invited me. “It's the biggest gathering of the biggest nerds you could ever see.”, he said. “It's chick repellent, and we were like, the coolest guys there!”
Jay proceeded to taunt me with story after story of out-dated, over priced circuitry, Harry Potter impersonators, geek power and rain storms on out door vendors. I was jittering with delight. My ties to any sort of social scene have been broken for years now. Yes, ever since my roommates moved out and got lives of their own, and my good friend/neighbors sold their house and moved...my family and I may as well live on the moon. People never really call me for gatherings of coolness and friendship, fellowship or pirate ship. It's been so long since I've hung out with people on the outside world that now, indeed it may be too late and I'll already feel like a freak. Yeah, I'm a now a social freak.
Yeah, damn straight I'm a freak and I'm going to be with my brothers come March 27 and 28, 2010! Yeah! It's the greater Baltimore Hamboree and Computer fest. Holy shit. I just looked at the website for this event, and there is an opening count down clock....counting down for all us geeks. Right now there is a time of 28 days, 08 hours, 32 minutes and 44...43...42 seconds until the opening and my nipples are perked with excitement.
Oh and this is exciting news...
Well, what can that mean? That people were pissed that they had to buy a ticket for the whole weekend? I bet. I know I'm looking for the weekend pass. I'm personally a little pissed that I can't get a two day admission ticket. What the fuck? I know you could last year.
Hopefully Jay and his nerdy buddies are into getting a cheap motel room for the weekend too. Yeah, after a day's worth of shopping around for over priced circuitry, we could get wild and trash our room like rock stars. Something I need to do before the Ham fest (I saw it also called that on a website promotion) is get a radio handle. That is, an FCC license number. If I get one, then Jay said you could get it embroidered on a mesh hat, right there at the boree! Awesome!
No, I won't be inviting any one else. Sorry. It's not for cool people. It's for us...the freaks. Yes, you may have read that it targets amateur radio and electronics enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds. Yes, they attract civilian, government and marine attendees from Maine to Florida...yes...you may have read that and so did I, but, you are not invited. Jay said this was an event where he and his geek brigade were the 'coolest guys' there. I'm not messing with these odds by inviting some of my friends that no doubt may weigh in greater than Jay and us on the cool scale. Sorry. Maybe next year. Maybe...